
Showing posts from May, 2016

How the working class gets cockblocked from hookup culture

How the working class gets cockblocked from hookup culture College hook-up culture is typified by late nights partying and early morning walks of shame. But these patterns don't apply to students paying their own way. Are working-class students missing out on a rite of passage, or dodging a bullet? June 1, 2016 at 02:03AM via Digg

Thomas Ehrlich On Colon Surgery

This piece is written by Thomas Ehrlich. He recently recovered from unexpected colon surgery and shares his experience here. from Forbes Education

Gender Wars: High Schools Say Boys and Girls Should Wear Matching Graduation Gowns

The Obama administration’s unexpected directive this month ordering school districts to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms related to their gender identity and not what’s on their birth certificate has raised hackles across the country. Representatives of 11 states* are suing the administration to prevent the changes. But [...] from Forbes Education

Weekly News Quiz | May 24-30, 2016


The 25 Best Online MBA Programs

from Forbes Education

Entrepreneurship, Student Debt And The Presidential Election

We need to rethink education and government. from Forbes Education

The 25 Metro Areas With The Highest Average Student Loan Debt

from Forbes Education

Top Tips To Improve Your Memory

from Forbes Education

The Immutability of Math and How Almost Everything Else Will Pass

If you dig deep into today’s discourse on the role of mathematics in programming, you’ll find a sharp, double-edged sword. On the one hand, people often say that because the number of app development tools are growing, you don’t necessarily need to be great at math to write software today. [...] from Forbes Education

It's Not Race That's The Big Divide, It's Wealth

Segregation in schools is on the rise, but focusing on racial divisions obscures the bigger picture, which is the link between achievement and household income. from Forbes Education

Never Give A Boring Presentation Again

from Forbes Education

Tell Your Teens To Read Forbes; This Stuff Is On The SATs

Look what's showcased on an official practice version of the SAT: an article from If there are any test-takers in your household, are everyone's reading habits up to date? from Forbes Education

Why SuperLatina's Gaby Natale Wants Latinas To Know That Their Voices Matter

Courtesy: Gabriela Natale Facebook The most comforting thought on an early morning is for someone to tell you that you’re not that different from some of the celebrities you follow on Twitter. You have the same hours in a day as say, Beyonce or Shakira. This is how Gaby Natale, Creator [...] from Forbes Education

How To Improve Audience Retention With Five Simple Techniques

Audiences can do a better job remembering what they hear if you put them to work. from Forbes Education

NPR News: One Student Tries To Help Others Escape A 'Corridor Of Shame'

One Student Tries To Help Others Escape A 'Corridor Of Shame' An unlikely leader rises in a poor, rural Southern school district. Read more on NPR

Celebrity Substance: Emma Watson

Emma Watson, the actress and activist who won the Hollywood lottery by landing the role of Hermoine in the “Harry Potter” films at age 10, has an interesting and unusual career trajectory. NEW YORK, NY - MAY 02: Emma Watson attends the 'Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age Of Technology' [...] from Forbes Education

Couldn't be more tru

via Education Quotes

NPR News: Harvard Graduate Student's Speech Resonates With Educators

Harvard Graduate Student's Speech Resonates With Educators NPR's Ari Shapiro interviews Donovan Livingston, whose speech at the Harvard Graduate School of Education's 2016 convocation exercises went viral. Read more on NPR

Honoring Memorial Day


The Secret Of Effective Learning May Be Less Study Not More

Groundbreaking research has found that students learn 20% more if they take regular breaks between study. from Forbes Education

Gary Johnson On Education: 5 Things The Presidential Candidate Wants You To Know

Former Republican Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson, a long-time proponent of school choice, got the Libertarian Party nomination for president on Sunday at the party’s convention in Orlando. The libertarians also gave the nod to his vice presidential running mate, William Weld, a former Republican governor of Massachusetts. Johnson’s [...] from Forbes Education

NPR News: Merrick Garland Tells Grads At His Former High School: Focus On Helping Others

Merrick Garland Tells Grads At His Former High School: Focus On Helping Others The Supreme Court nominee reminded students that Harry Potter's pal Hermione rejected a career in law to "do some good in the world." He said, "Instead of taking a selfie, turn the camera around." Read more on NPR

NPR News: What One District's Data Mining Did For Chronic Absence

What One District's Data Mining Did For Chronic Absence Three years ago, Grand Rapids' public schools took a hard look at the numbers on absenteeism. They've been able to get nearly half of the students missing school to show up. Read more on NPR

Teaching Democracy in An Era of Anti-Democratic "Democracies" As a teacher and as a citizen I am worried, but I do not feel powerless. Anti-democratic movements are growing in size and power in western democracies. They use the mechanisms of democratic process to threaten the fundamental ideas that democracy is based on. Their success underscores the importance of promoting democratic values in school, the media, and society, not just focusing on elections as if they were sporting contests. The news, right now, is not good for people who believe in democratic values like liberty, equality, and brotherhood. The right-wing French Front National has growing support among youthful voters ages 18 to 30 while Germany's even more vitriolic anti-immigrant and anti-Islam Alternative for Germany shows increasing strength in public opinion polls. Austrian voters , fueled by antagonism toward refugees from Mid-Eastern conflicts, nearly elected a far-right candidate as President. The Israeli Prime Minister just welcomed into hi...

Can Sustainable Technology Save China?

To date, the firms best positioned to bring the solutions needed have been data driven firms like IBM, Alibaba, Apple, and others, who have spent billions of dollars over the last decade building the infrastructure to capture and analyze the data necessary to act on. But for entrepreneurs, this is also proving to be a huge opportunity. from Forbes Education

Editorial Contest Winner | ‘Time to Break the Bamboo Ceiling’


Will Power: Prince Lacked It, Do You?

When the dust settles, there will probably be much we can learn from Prince's untimely death. For me, the lack of a will is an important lesson for us, given that a majority of Americans are without one. from Forbes Education

NPR News: How To Fix A Graduation Rate Of 1 In 10? Ask The Dropouts

How To Fix A Graduation Rate Of 1 In 10? Ask The Dropouts Across the country, public universities are struggling with abysmal graduation rates. Here's one campus — San Jose State University — that's trying to do something about it. Read more on NPR

American schools are teaching our kids how to code all wrong

American schools are teaching our kids how to code all wrong Across America, there's a push to teach kids how to code to fill the skills gap created by the booming tech industry. Are introductory programs a good way for kids to get their feet wet or just a distraction from the real work to be done? May 28, 2016 at 03:09AM via Digg

Inspiration is essen

via Education Quotes

NPR News: Kansas Supreme Court Rejects Lawmakers' Bid To Fix Education Funding

Kansas Supreme Court Rejects Lawmakers' Bid To Fix Education Funding The Legislature has until June 30 to resolve an "inequitable and unconstitutional" funding structure, the court says, or else schools will have to close. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Baylor Demotes President, Fires Football Coach Amid Sexual Assault Scandal

Baylor Demotes President, Fires Football Coach Amid Sexual Assault Scandal Baylor University demoted its president and fired the head football coach for their handling of allegations of sexual assault by members of the school's football team. NPR's Audie Cornish talks to Paula Lavigne of ESPN's Outside the Lines, who reported on the cases and how Baylor officials failed to investigate the allegations and violated Title IX federal law. Read more on NPR

Students Get To 'Try Before They Buy' As MOOCs Go Mainstream

To date, MOOCs have signally failed to bring about a revolution in education, but a groundbreaking move could see them finally live up to their promise. from Forbes Education

The 10 Best Cities For New College Grads In 2016

from Forbes Education

Why U.S. Entrepreneurship Is Dying

Student debt is a prime suspect. from Forbes Education

The 10 Best Cities For Young Entrepreneurs Right Now

from Forbes Education

Drama at Baylor

Richard Vedder discusses the circumstances and attitudes that open the door to cases like the rapes at Baylor. from Forbes Education

Why Your First Job After College Doesn't Matter

If you’re one of the thousands of new graduates who have claimed their diplomas and set their sights on life after college this spring, job hunting is more than likely at the top of your priority list. As you polish your resume and take those first halting steps toward creating a LinkedIn profile, you probably have certain expectations around what your first real career job will look like. I’m here to shatter those. from Forbes Education

Should A Third-Grade Teacher Share His Disdain For Donald Trump With His Class?

Ruben Brosbe, a third-grade teacher at a public school in New York City, doesn’t like Donald Trump. It’s clear he despises the man who is about to be named Republican presidential nominee and all he stands for. And he has written publicly about his desire to share this with the [...] from Forbes Education

NPR News: Baylor Fires University President, Football Coach Over Sexual Assault Scandal

Baylor Fires University President, Football Coach Over Sexual Assault Scandal President Kenneth Starr and coach Art Briles are being removed following a scathing report on sexual assaults by players against other students; failure of university officials to help the victims. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Arizona Joins Transgender Directive Suit: School Board Should Set Policy

Arizona Joins Transgender Directive Suit: School Board Should Set Policy Renee Montagne talks to Arizona Superintendent of Education Diane Douglas about the federal directive that transgender students be allowed to use the restrooms corresponding to their gender identity. Read more on NPR

The New Activism of Campus Life

The New Activism of Campus Life At Oberlin and elsewhere, a long-established liberal matrix is crumbling beneath a new wave of student activism. May 27, 2016 at 02:00AM via Digg

Word of the Day + Quiz | doddering


Why The SAT And ACT Should Worry About This New Anti-Common Core Alternative

Are the well-established SAT and ACT college admissions tests, the two standardized assessments that have dominated the educational landscape for decades, doomed? from Forbes Education

Top Job Hunting Tips For 2016

from Forbes Education

NPR News: Baylor Removes Ken Starr As President Over University's Response To Sex Assault Cases

Baylor Removes Ken Starr As President Over University's Response To Sex Assault Cases An independent review found that the university failed to adequately handle reports of assault and, in some cases, actively discouraged students from coming forward with their experiences. Read more on NPR

NPR News: 'The Dreaded Schwa' And Other Reasons To Love The Bee

'The Dreaded Schwa' And Other Reasons To Love The Bee One of our favorite events is on again: the Scripps National Spelling Bee. From the tense smart kids to the cheering adults, it's all pretty great. Read more on NPR

5 Simple Investment Tips For The Class Of 2016

Despite obstacles like crushing student loan debt, a dismal job market and the perils of potentially living in their parents' basement, Powell believes new grads can still invest in their financial future. Here's how. from Forbes Education

Four Trends Destined To Close The Gap Between College And Finding A Job

Colleges are struggling through tough conversations and seeking unconventional partnerships in a world where more and more universities grapple with a new role of higher education. Here, the four biggest trends. from Forbes Education

25 Most Expensive Schools Worth Every Penny

from Forbes Education

From Activism to ‘Zowie!’: 10 Articles From the Times Archives on Life as a 20th-Century Teenager


Polsky Gift Highlights Chicago's Academic-Innovation-Entrepreneurship Link

A $35 million gift from clean energy investor Michael Polsky to the University of Chicago highlights the link between the city's growing tech and entrepreneurship scene and its academic community. The Polsky gift brings all the school's innovation and entrepreneurship efforts under one roof. from Forbes Education

Candidates For Employment Reveal Their Secrets

New competency data from a range of providers has the potential to revolutionize hiring, unbundle the degree and usher in a golden age of American education. from Forbes Education

Performance Breakthroughs With Cathy Salit

A Q and A with Cathy Salit, CEO of Performance of a Lifetime. from Forbes Education

Explore Colleges That Would Love To Have You

To really assess the range of excellent choices in higher education for students, it's critically important to break out of the folkloric, hypnotic belief we have in "name brand" colleges and universities. from Forbes Education

NPR News: To Teach Kids To Read And Write, Sometimes You Have To Get Creative

To Teach Kids To Read And Write, Sometimes You Have To Get Creative Across the U.S., school districts face low literacy rates among low-income and minority students. Here's how schools in Dallas, Baltimore and the Bronx are getting at the problem a little differently. Read more on NPR

News Q’s | Asian-American Actors Are Fighting for Visibility. They Will Not Be Ignored.


PARCC Gets Parked: What Testing Companies Don't Want Parents to Know Columbia University Professor Celia Oyler posted online a critique of the 4th grade English-Language Arts PARCC exam written by an anonymous fourth grade teacher. In the critique the teacher quoted from specific questions that were on the test. Then the firestorm hit. PARCC Inc. , citing copyright law and confidentiality agreements, has been stalking the Internet and twitter to get the questions taken down. PARCC also demanded that Oyler identify the offending teacher, which she refuses to do. The teacher, in the post, makes clear that he or she was aware of the legal ramifications of these actions, but felt compelled to inform parents and the general the public how "the high-stakes accountability system has deformed teaching and warped learning in many public schools across the United States." Why are testing companies so anxious to keep this analysis from parents and the general public? If the anonymous teacher is correct, and I believe he or ...

NPR News: 11 States Sue U.S. Government Over Transgender Policies

11 States Sue U.S. Government Over Transgender Policies Social conservatives in Texas say they support a lawsuit filed by their state and 10 others challenging federal rules on transgender students' use of school bathrooms that match their gender identity. Read more on NPR

Word of the Day + Quiz | fusion


Why recess matters.

via Education Quotes

More Concussion Litigation Is Coming --And Probably To A College Near You

Yesterday Doug Whaley, the former NFL players and current Buffalo Bills General Manager was interviewed about the injury status of star receiver Sammy Watkins and said: “It’s a violent game that I personally don’t think humans are supposed to play.” A day later he amended his former statement to “clarify” [...] from Forbes Education

NPR News: 11 States Sue U.S. Government Over Transgender Policies

11 States Sue U.S. Government Over Transgender Policies The Obama administration has argued that gender identity is protected under federal law. The states say the government is overreaching. Read more on NPR

4 Effective Ways New Grads Can Build Good Credit

The transition from college to adulthood can feel overwhelming, but it can also be empowering if you’re armed with the right knowledge. from Forbes Education

Top 50 Best Value Colleges 2016

from Forbes Education

6-Year-Old Phenom Is This Year's Youngest Spelling Bee Competitor

6-Year-Old Phenom Is This Year's Youngest Spelling Bee Competitor This is Akash Vukoti. He is 6 years old. He is also very good at spelling. May 25, 2016 at 11:20AM via Digg