
Showing posts from May, 2018


Just finished teacher training for @khanacademy You can too! Amazing Free Math & More! #eaching #math #Education — Stryker Ostafew (@heystryker) May 21, 2018


@khanacademy I went back to college at age 47 to get my accounting degree. I had to take college algebra, statistics, calculus and linear algebra. Without your website, I am not sure I would have graduated magna cum laude at age 50! Thank you. — Pat Calchera (@pcalch) May 29, 2018

It's Not Liberal Arts And Literature Majors Who Are Most Underemployed

According to a new study on underemployment among college graduates, there are far more underemployed graduates in business and health care than liberal arts or literature. from Forbes Education

Walmart Offers Employees College For $1 A Day

Walmart will pay for college for its employees. Their cost? Only $1. from Forbes Education

Trilogy Education's Unique Approach To Coding Boot Camps Helps It Raise $50 Million

Trilogy sets itself apart by running its courses on the campuses of prestigious schools like Columbia and the University of Pennsylvania. The schools approve instructor hires and oversee curriculum. from Forbes Education

How A California Farming Community Is Leading The Global Shift To Competency

Lindsay Unified has combined mission-driven leadership with remarkable continuity and incremental innovations to promote lifelong self-directed learning. The compounding effect is remarkably aligned schools, a powerful culture, and a system beginning to extend its impact nationally. from Forbes Education


When days are not going the way you planned sometimes you get the boost you need from one of your youngest students🌞 Thanks Danny #kindergartenKhans @khanacademy @Willow_Dale_ES — Conor Corey (@ccorey223) May 30, 2018


Love your work. All success stories start at the bottom! Just ask @Drake . — Khan Academy (@khanacademy) May 30, 2018


I am a maths genius! 🤣 @khanacademy — Tom Bell (@thomasjbell7) May 30, 2018


Amazing! Congratulations. So glad we could help you achieve your goals! — Khan Academy (@khanacademy) May 30, 2018

To Successfully Launch Something New, Start Paying Attention To This One Thing

While most people will probably not pay attention to what you’re up to in the beginning, they will be aware of the trends and stories of the time. Take advantage of this. from Forbes Education

NPR News: Texas Governor Lays Out School Safety Plan, After 10 Died In Santa Fe Shooting

Texas Governor Lays Out School Safety Plan, After 10 Died In Santa Fe Shooting Arming more teachers, improving school policies and boosting gun safety are part of a wide-ranging list presented by Gov. Greg Abbott, two weeks after 10 people died in a shooting in Santa Fe, Texas. Read more on NPR

Why EQ + AI Is A Recipe For Success

There’s little doubt that, regardless of your job function, the nature of your job will change markedly over the next decade as a result of AI. In order to stay relevant, humans cannot afford to distance themselves or attempt to circumvent the proliferation of AI. from Forbes Education

Human-Centered Purpose: The Key To Delivering Value

Can a clear business purpose actually help you to innovate? Yes, if it’s human enough. from Forbes Education

The Average Teacher's Salary In Every State, Mapped

The Average Teacher's Salary In Every State, Mapped As recent teacher strikes have highlighted, some states are doing a much worse job of keeping teachers housed and fed than others. May 30, 2018 at 11:55AM via Digg

NPR News: The Conflicting Educations Of Sam Schimmel

The Conflicting Educations Of Sam Schimmel More than 50 years after the federal government forced hundreds of Native Alaskans into boarding schools, their descendants are haunted by — and trying to overcome —residual trauma. Read more on NPR

International Student Enrollment Declining In The U.S. [Infographic]

The number of international students enrolled at U.S. universities declined 4 percent between 2016 and 2017. If the trend continues, it could have a profound impact on the U.S. economy. from Forbes Education

How Tax Reform Affected These Hidden Subsidies For Higher Education

Most of the $40 billion in tax breaks for higher education made it through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act unscathed. from Forbes Education

NPR News: Preschools In Ghana's Capital Challenge Call-And-Response System

Preschools In Ghana's Capital Challenge Call-And-Response System In Accra, many low-income parents scrape together money to send their toddlers to private schools. The trouble: schools subject them to long lectures, and punish misbehavior with beatings. Read more on NPR

NPR News: What Gun Violence Protesters Can Learn From 1968's Chicano Blowouts

What Gun Violence Protesters Can Learn From 1968's Chicano Blowouts Fifty years ago, Chicano students walked out of East Los Angeles high schools — angry at the lack of school resources and their curriculum. Eventually the school district changed its policies. Read more on NPR

Find A Way To Yes: Leadership Lessons From Pam Moran

Dr. Pam Moran has been a staff member ofAlbemarle County Public Schoolsfor 32 years and after a dozen years as superintendent, she is retiring. While she has quietly become a leading educator, Moran's work speaks for itself. Here are nine lessons in leadership from Moran. from Forbes Education

NPR News: 'It's Going To Be Tough': Santa Fe Students Return To School After Shooting

'It's Going To Be Tough': Santa Fe Students Return To School After Shooting The shooting happened less than two weeks before the end of the school year. "I don't want that last day to be my last memory of my senior year," one student said. Read more on NPR

How The Federal Government Could Control College Costs

With the cost of higher education continuing to increase, is there something the federal government can do to help control college costs? from Forbes Education

Congress Needs To Follow The Research And Prioritize Higher Education

Worldwide, we have seen a trend towards increasing investment in traditional higher education. But in the U.S., we’re questioning not just the dollars-and-cents value of a four-year degree but the developmental, intellectual and societal value. from Forbes Education

A CIO Hall Of Famer's Approach To Machine Learning

Dan Olley is the CTO and EVP of Product Development at Elsevier, a multi-billion dollar revenue subsidiary of RELX Group, focused on academic and clinical research. He has been a particularly focused user of machine learning, and has deep insights on the value derived from it. from Forbes Education

Free College: For Learning And Profit

Grant Aldrich wants to offer absolutely free college courses for credit, lowering significantly the cost of a degree. He plans to use the model made successful by Facebook and Google --selling advertising and sponsorships to fund instruction. from Forbes Education

Teachers Shouldn't Have To Work Alone -- And Now They Don't Have To

With the rise of online learning in schools—what educators call blended learning—what teachers do daily is changing in big and small ways. Today’s traditional teaching role asks a lot of teachers. In the future though, we can create more sustainable teaching jobs that also better serve students. from Forbes Education

Parents, Know Thyselves In Your Child's College Admission Process

The college admission process is a time to start letting go of your offspring while remaining present and supportive. Take this valuable opportunity to be a mentor instead of a sergeant and enjoy the fruits of your parenting over the last 18 years. from Forbes Education

NPR News: A Degree With Zero Student Debt. Does It Work?

A Degree With Zero Student Debt. Does It Work? The four-year results are in on Tennessee's free college initiative. Is this new data significant enough to sway the future of these free college programs? Read more on NPR

NPR News: USC President Steps Down After A Series Of Scandals

USC President Steps Down After A Series Of Scandals Rachel Martin talks to Los Angeles Times reporter Harriet Ryan about the latest scandal that involves a campus gynecologist accused of abusing patients for decades. Read more on NPR

Teaching The "Karate Kid" Way

Some of the best, most promising teaching techniques are using a "Karate Kid"method - teaching important skills and mindsets through things that appear to completely unrelated. from Forbes Education

NPR News: A Wall of Poppies Honors Fallen Soldiers On The National Mall

A Wall of Poppies Honors Fallen Soldiers On The National Mall In Washington, D.C., a dramatic memorial of bright red flowers pays tribute to men and women who died in uniform. Read more on NPR

Watching This Film Can Humanize Your College Process

Parents are part of the college admission process, too. We don't often think about their feelings and worries as they see their children heading off to college. One small film expertly takes on the feelings awakened when a father visits colleges with his son. from Forbes Education

NPR News: New Jersey Attorney General On Investigating For-Profit Colleges

New Jersey Attorney General On Investigating For-Profit Colleges New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal says if Betsy DeVos won't investigate fraud at for-profit colleges, he will. NPR's Scott Simon speaks to the man taking on the secretary of education. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Teachers Win At The Polls; DeVos Fields Questions On The Hill

Teachers Win At The Polls; DeVos Fields Questions On The Hill Democrats weren't satisfied with DeVos's answers at a Congressional hearing. That and more, in our weekly roundup of education news. Read more on NPR


I think you mean *awesome — Khan Academy (@khanacademy) May 25, 2018


What a legend! — Khan Academy (@khanacademy) May 25, 2018


@khanacademy why weren't you there when I was in highschool?never thought would enjoy maths so much. Thank you Salman for making it absolutely free. God bless you. — Shashank (@Gopikishan911) May 25, 2018


Image 🙂 — Khan Academy (@khanacademy) May 25, 2018

NPR News: Why Is Undergraduate College Enrollment Declining?

Why Is Undergraduate College Enrollment Declining? Undergrad enrollment in the U.S. is down for the sixth straight year. Women enrolling in higher education saved colleges in the 1980s. So who can save colleges today? Read more on NPR

The Royal "We" In College Admission

When families use the royal "we" in college admission, educators cringe. Perhaps it does not have to be taboo but instead can be a positive sign. from Forbes Education

Why Common Core Standards Alone Won't Boost Test Scores

Higher academic standards like those in the Common Core were supposed to improve student performance, but that hasn’t happened. Teachers need more specific guidance than standards provide, and they need to build knowledge beginning in the early grades that standards don't reach. from Forbes Education

Teacher Responds To Jake Paul's Track Dissing Teachers, Has Mad Flow

Teacher Responds To Jake Paul's Track Dissing Teachers, Has Mad Flow We're not saying he's ready for the Billboard Hot 100, but we've also listened to this on repeat for the last half hour. May 24, 2018 at 10:20AM via Digg

Robots: A Revolution In Child's Play

Despite the public fear that technology may be detracting from imagination in childhood, emerging EdTech companies are showing that robots can play a critical role in sparking creativity and inspiring a love of learning. from Forbes Education

Why Is Public Support For State Universities Declining?

State universities are facing tepid state governmental support. One factor is that health care spending is crowding out funds for schooling, and other trends make it unlikely legislative appropriations will rise robustly in the future. from Forbes Education

TThe Most Controversial Commencement Speeches Of 2018

The most controversial commencement speech so far this year had nothing to do with Trump. It was delivered at a lesser-known women’s college by an alumna in her 80s. from Forbes Education

NPR News: What's Going On In Your Child's Brain When You Read Them A Story?

What's Going On In Your Child's Brain When You Read Them A Story? There are many ways young children encounter stories. A new study finds a "Goldilocks effect," where a cartoon may be "too hot" and audiobooks "too cold" for learning readers. Read more on NPR


Better late than never! Kudos to you for persevering. Glad we could help you get there in the end! 😊 — Khan Academy (@khanacademy) May 23, 2018

Study: Online College Classes Cost Less To Deliver Because They Are Larger, Hire Cheaper Teachers

A study of online college programs by Arizona State University finds that colleges save money on online programs by building larger classes and hiring cheaper, less experienced teachers - factors that have little relation to online programs at all. from Forbes Education

This Couple Created A Multi-Level Curriculum To Teach All Ages Financial Literacy

I spoke with Pam Capalad and Dyalekt about the vision behind their movement, closing the wealth gap and the need to educate all ages about financial literacy. from Forbes Education


I spent over 14hrs struggling to understand what @khanacademy taught me in under 20min. — Linda Bonita (@BabyLinda4) May 23, 2018

The Future of AI Depends on High-School Girls

The Future of AI Depends on High-School Girls Women make up one-quarter of computer scientists. But in the field of artificial intelligence those numbers are likely much lower. May 23, 2018 at 12:22PM via Digg

Rethinking Educational Regulations

Breyer argues that regulations are “a crude weapon of government intervention, a blunderbuss, not a rifle.” Regulations are great for preventing bad things, but they are not great at fostering good things. from Forbes Education

Going To ISTE? 9 Educators Share How Entrepreneurs Can Build Relationships With Teachers

Are you an education entrepreneur or startup attending ISTE this year? Nine education voices from the field share their secrets and best practices to building critical relationships with teachers, schools, and their decision makers. from Forbes Education

What Betsy DeVos Should Have Said About The PROSPER Act

Asked about House Republicans' higher education reform plan, Betsy DeVos whiffed. Here's the answer she should have given. from Forbes Education

Tech Companies Like Amazon And OcadoAre Teaching AI In Schools - Get Used To It

Schools don’t have the money to keep apace with tech’s latest concepts, so Ocado, Nvdia and Amazon are stepping in as third-party teachers. from Forbes Education

NPR News: Texas Governor Holds Discussion After School Shooting

Texas Governor Holds Discussion After School Shooting Texas Gov. Greg Abbott held a meeting in response to Friday's shooting at Santa Fe high school. Dallas County Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa talks with Rachel Martin. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Court Sides With Transgender Student In Bathroom Case

Court Sides With Transgender Student In Bathroom Case A federal court has ruled in favor of a transgender student in Virginia who wanted to use the boys' restroom at school. The school had blocked him from doing so. Read more on NPR

Colleges Don't Need To Change To Close Skills Gap

If there is a skills gap, it's probably in soft skills such as communication and collaboration. And, as it such, it probably doesn't require a major reform of higher education. from Forbes Education

MSU's $500M Sexual Abuse Settlement Sends A Powerful Message

The depredations of MSU's former university physician have affected not only his direct victims but also our faith in universities' "duty of care" for their students. Its $500M settlement sends a message, but will they listen? from Forbes Education


🤣 — Khan Academy (@khanacademy) May 22, 2018

This Professor Was Accused Of Sexual Harassment For Years. Then An Anonymous Online Letter Did What Whispers Couldn’t.

This Professor Was Accused Of Sexual Harassment For Years. Then An Anonymous Online Letter Did What Whispers Couldn’t. After #MeToo, an anonymous letter spread explosive allegations about Gopal Balakrishnan. Some called it vigilante justice — but it worked. May 22, 2018 at 12:14PM via Digg

Republicans, Democrats Disagree About The Point of Higher Education

How and why should higher education be funded? Republicans and Democrats disagree. from Forbes Education

Move Over Mary Poppins, Student Sitters Are The Future As Koru Kids Raises $5 Million

Koru Kids is training up university students to fill a gap in the childcare market, and investors are hooked. Founder Rachel Cullen has just raised $4.7 million to bring these new-age nannies to frazzled parents around the world. from Forbes Education