
Showing posts from April, 2020

Reopening Schools Is As Much About Economics As It Is About Education

The debate over reopening schools highlights the truth that they are as much about childcare as education. from Forbes Education

The Virus Has Demonstrated That Faculty Can Be Full Partners In Changing The Higher Education Business Model

Faculty have shown they can be nimble in putting their courses online and in developing creative new courses such as Northland's Pandemic! Northland Unites from Forbes Education

Ivanka’s IRAPs Are Not A Plausible Workforce Strategy

In the COVID-19 recession of 2020-21, expecting cash-strapped employers to assume risk and foot the bill for new apprenticeship programs is not a plausible workforce strategy. from Forbes Education

NPR News: Which Businesses Can Reopen And The Guidelines They Should Follow

Which Businesses Can Reopen And The Guidelines They Should Follow NPR's business editor and Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, answer listener questions about businesses that can reopen and safety guidelines to follow. Read more on NPR

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Announces Free College For Frontline Coronavirus Workers

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) announced a new program providing tuition-free higher education for those considered essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic. from Forbes Education

School Children Without Internet. We Could Fix That.

Too many public school children can't participate in online education because they don't have internet. Why can't we free up federal dollars to fund cooperatives to extend rural broadband? We did it for rural electricity in 1936. We can do it again. from Forbes Education

COVID-19 Jeopardizes The Future For Students And Employers

Per The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, over 1.37B students have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. Worldwide, 80% of learners are at risk of falling behind academically for years to come, potentially jeopardizing their professional future and growth. from Forbes Education

4 Ways The Coronavirus Is Changing College Admissions

According to a survey of over 65,000 students as well as recent events across higher education, we predict that college admissions will be changed for the foreseeable future an increasing role of big data, empty campuses this fall, and opportunities through online learning and decreased emphasis ... from Forbes Education

Disrupted Standardized Tests An Obstacle For Students But Universities Need Enrollments More Than Ever

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, standardized tests, such as the AP, have had to change formats, causing anxiety among already stretched high school students. But things may not be all bad. from Forbes Education

Coronavirus Layoffs: Lyft, Boeing Latest To Cut Workers Amid Pandemic

The national crisis, spurred by the spread of coronavirus, has impacted nearly every industry. from Forbes Education

As Schools Shut Down For The Long Haul, Parents Should Step In

The coronavirus crisis is upending education — and will continue to do so for a long time. Some political leaders are warning that schools might not reopen until 2021. from Forbes Education

Seven Ways 9th And 10th-Graders Can Use The Coalition To Get A Head Start On College

With the Coalition Locker feature, students can save information that will be helpful when they are applying to colleges their senior year. from Forbes Education

What Will College Campuses Look Like In The Fall Of Covid-19?

What will colleges need to do in the fall to reopen? What will social distancing require? How much will the college experience change for students? from Forbes Education

Thinking About Taking A Gap Year Due To COVID-19? Here’s How To Make The Most Of It:

As universities across the world announce their intentions to keep their campuses closed throughout the summer, many students are facing the possibility that schools will remain closed for fall semester as well. from Forbes Education

Appreciating What Schools Are Doing Doesn’t Mean Giving Them A Pass

To observe that the educational response to Covid-19 has been mixed—and sometimes disappointing—is not an attack on teachers nor a dismissal of all the good that has been done. from Forbes Education

Amid Crisis, Digital Tools Can Help Students Navigate The Uncertainty Of Career

As COVID-19 upends the workplace and the economy, students and young adults face unprecedented uncertainty around the future of their career. New research outlines how digital products are augmenting and scaling the work of teachers, advisors, and other career guides. from Forbes Education

Democratic Lawmakers: Coronavirus Relief Should Cancel Student Debt, Help MSIs, And Double Pell

Rep. Alma Adams, D-N.C. and 40 Democratic House members called for the next coronavirus relief to provide investment in Minority-Serving Institutions, student debt forgiveness, and a doubling of the Pell Grant. from Forbes Education

Did Betsy DeVos Just Become Arne Duncan 2.0?

Betsy DeVos has long resisted grabbing the levers of power that Arne Duncan once used. That has just changed. from Forbes Education

How The Coronavirus Crisis Is Teaching Us A Lesson In Digital Darwinism

According to Mary Meeker, the coronavirus crisis is separating companies with a strong digital strategy from those that do not have one. Companies and individuals have gone through an accelerated digital transformation in less than 90 days. This is the year of digital transformation. from Forbes Education

College Should Produce Triple-Threat Graduates

To make the ROI of higher education ironclad, colleges should ensure graduates are triple-threats with internships, long-term projects and an industry-recognized credential. from Forbes Education

The Great Lockdown Is Saving Lives While Increasing Poverty And Hunger Globally

As the economic costs mount, the belief that the great lockdown is putting human lives ahead of the economy is shown to be based on a false dichotomy. from Forbes Education

The Department Of Labor Takes Small Steps Toward Expanding Apprenticeships

A new Department of Labor rule will allow businesses to register apprenticeships with non-federal organizations such as community colleges. from Forbes Education

Happy Graduation To The Class Of 2020...Even If It’s Virtual.

Commencements this year will be virtual, but that doesn't meet it can't be memorable. If you are looking for a speaker for your virtual graduation day, I would love to join you! from Forbes Education

For-Profit College Set To Collect $17 Million In Federal Stimulus Cash Is Sued For Predatory Practices

The suit is unrelated to FCC’s stimulus grant, but it raises questions about Congress’s decision to give higher ed money to for-profit schools. from Forbes Education

How To Keep Your Childhood From Sabotaging Your Career

Without even realizing it, we cast others in roles that recreate old dramas. We see our boss as an unsupportive parent. We view colleagues as siblings scheming to steal our rightful glory. And we then react in unproductive ways. The challenge is to see people and situations as they really are. from Forbes Education

Not Just Zoom—Here’s Another Hidden Security Risk When You’re Working From Home

Another warning for students and employees now learning and training from home. from Forbes Education

NPR News: Brown University President On Why Universities Need To Reopen By Fall

Brown University President On Why Universities Need To Reopen By Fall NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to Brown University President Christina Paxson about why reopening college and university campuses for the fall semester should be a "national priority." Read more on NPR

NCAA Name, Image And Likeness Reform: A Simple Matter Made Complicated By Bureaucrats

Today the NCAA proclaimed reforms to its name, image and likeness reforms that mark a small step in the right direction, but the reforms are far more limited and complicated than they needed to be. from Forbes Education

11 practical tips for work/life balance when teaching from home

via Education Quotes

The National Women’s History Museum Wants Your Coronavirus Stories

Last week, the National Women's History Museum announced its new Coronavirus Journaling Project, a call for women, girls and nonbinary individuals to submit records of their lives during this unprecedented time. from Forbes Education

NYC Mayor De Blasio’s New Grading System Gives Wealthy Students an Advantage

The NYC Department of Education announced a landmark grading policy Tuesday morning that will affect 1.1 million students throughout the city. from Forbes Education

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Announces Free College For Frontline Coronavirus Workers

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) announced a new program providing tuition-free higher education for those considered essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic. from Forbes Education

NPR News: NCAA Board of Governors To Ensure Fair Compensation For College Athletes

NCAA Board of Governors To Ensure Fair Compensation For College Athletes The NCAA Board of Governors is clearing the way for college athletes to be compensated for the use of their name, image and likeness. Colleges would not be allowed to pay them. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Educators Are Concerned About California Thinking To Reopen Schools

Educators Are Concerned About California Thinking To Reopen Schools California is starting to talk about reopening schools. NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with the president of the California Teachers Association E. Toby Boyd, about educators' concerns. Read more on NPR

School Children Without Internet. We Could Fix That.

Too many public school children can't participate in online education because they don't have internet. Why can't we free up federal dollars to fund cooperatives to extend rural broadband? We did it for rural electricity in 1936. We can do it again. from Forbes Education

COVID-19 Jeopardizes The Future For Students And Employers

Per The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, over 1.37B students have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. Worldwide, 80% of learners are at risk of falling behind academically for years to come, potentially jeopardizing their professional future and growth. from Forbes Education

4 Ways The Coronavirus Is Changing College Admissions

According to a survey of over 65,000 students as well as recent events across higher education, we predict that college admissions will be changed for the foreseeable future an increasing role of big data, empty campuses this fall, and opportunities through online learning and decreased emphasis ... from Forbes Education

NPR News: DeVos To Use Coronavirus Relief Funds For Home Schooling 'Microgrants'

DeVos To Use Coronavirus Relief Funds For Home Schooling 'Microgrants' Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is a longtime advocate of alternatives to public schools, including home schooling. The secretary has also created a grant for work-based learning programs. Read more on NPR

Disrupted Standardized Tests An Obstacle For Students But Universities Need Enrollments More Than Ever

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, standardized tests, such as the AP, have had to change formats, causing anxiety among already stretched high school students. But things may not be all bad. from Forbes Education

As Schools Shut Down For The Long Haul, Parents Should Step In

The coronavirus crisis is upending education — and will continue to do so for a long time. Some political leaders are warning that schools might not reopen until 2021. from Forbes Education

NPR News: College Students On Lockdown Share Their New Normal

College Students On Lockdown Share Their New Normal College students are finishing the semester from home — getting used to living again with siblings, parents and the slow pace of isolation. UMass-Amherst students sent us scenes from lockdown. Read more on NPR

Seven Ways 9th And 10th-Graders Can Use The Coalition To Get A Head Start On College

With the Coalition Locker feature, students can save information that will be helpful when they are applying to colleges their senior year. from Forbes Education

What Will College Campuses Look Like In The Fall Of Covid-19?

What will colleges need to do in the fall to reopen? What will social distancing require? How much will the college experience change for students? from Forbes Education

Thinking About Taking A Gap Year Due To COVID-19? Here’s How To Make The Most Of It:

As universities across the world announce their intentions to keep their campuses closed throughout the summer, many students are facing the possibility that schools will remain closed for fall semester as well. from Forbes Education

NPR News: Secretary DeVos Forgoes Waiving Disability Law Amid School Closures

Secretary DeVos Forgoes Waiving Disability Law Amid School Closures The Education Department will not request waivers to the bulk of the federal law that protects students with disabilities. Disability advocates and special education are relieved. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Child Sexual Abuse Reports Are On The Rise Amid Lockdown Orders

Child Sexual Abuse Reports Are On The Rise Amid Lockdown Orders The National Sexual Assault Hotline reports a jump in calls coming in from minors in the month of March, when many shelter-in-place orders began. Read more on NPR

Appreciating What Schools Are Doing Doesn’t Mean Giving Them A Pass

To observe that the educational response to Covid-19 has been mixed—and sometimes disappointing—is not an attack on teachers nor a dismissal of all the good that has been done. from Forbes Education

Amid Crisis, Digital Tools Can Help Students Navigate The Uncertainty Of Career

As COVID-19 upends the workplace and the economy, students and young adults face unprecedented uncertainty around the future of their career. New research outlines how digital products are augmenting and scaling the work of teachers, advisors, and other career guides. from Forbes Education

Democratic Lawmakers: Coronavirus Relief Should Cancel Student Debt, Help MSIs, And Double Pell

Rep. Alma Adams, D-N.C. and 40 Democratic House members called for the next coronavirus relief to provide investment in Minority-Serving Institutions, student debt forgiveness, and a doubling of the Pell Grant. from Forbes Education

Did Betsy DeVos Just Become Arne Duncan 2.0?

Betsy DeVos has long resisted grabbing the levers of power that Arne Duncan once used. That has just changed. from Forbes Education

How The Coronavirus Crisis Is Teaching Us A Lesson In Digital Darwinism

According to Mary Meeker, the coronavirus crisis is separating companies with a strong digital strategy from those that do not have one. Companies and individuals have gone through an accelerated digital transformation in less than 90 days. This is the year of digital transformation. from Forbes Education

College Should Produce Triple-Threat Graduates

To make the ROI of higher education ironclad, colleges should ensure graduates are triple-threats with internships, long-term projects and an industry-recognized credential. from Forbes Education

The Great Lockdown Is Saving Lives While Increasing Poverty And Hunger Globally

As the economic costs mount, the belief that the great lockdown is putting human lives ahead of the economy is shown to be based on a false dichotomy. from Forbes Education

The Department Of Labor Takes Small Steps Toward Expanding Apprenticeships

A new Department of Labor rule will allow businesses to register apprenticeships with non-federal organizations such as community colleges. from Forbes Education

Happy Graduation To The Class Of 2020...Even If It’s Virtual.

Commencements this year will be virtual, but that doesn't meet it can't be memorable. If you are looking for a speaker for your virtual graduation day, I would love to join you! from Forbes Education

Schools Need Civics Education. How About A Program Created By Students?

Many critics have called for improved civics education in this country. This student-run nonprofit has answered the call. from Forbes Education

Why A ‘Constitutional Right To Education’ Won’t Mean Much

A federal appeals court has found that students have a constitutional right to a “basic education,” and some are hailing the ruling as momentous. But it’s unlikely to have much impact. from Forbes Education

NPR News: Court Rules Detroit Students Have Constitutional Right To An Education

Court Rules Detroit Students Have Constitutional Right To An Education The students' lawyers argued that literacy is a fundamental skill to living in a democracy, and thus protected by the U.S. Constitution. In a landmark decision, a federal appeals court agreed. Read more on NPR

Coronavirus Layoffs: MGM Studios, Enterprise Holdings Latest To Cut Workers Amid Pandemic

The national crisis, spurred by the spread of coronavirus, has impacted nearly every industry. from Forbes Education